Have a heart drawn to serve and teach the next generation? Join this LifeGroup for a focus on our job as the church to guide the little ones to a relationship with Christ!
Middle and high school come together for a time of worship and teaching. Join the youth also on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the youth room for a devotion and hang out.
Open to all women who are widows! The ladies will meet for dinner monthly at 6 pm on the last Thursday of each month. Sign up to receive a text of the location.
On the last Tuesday of each month at 6PM a fun group of women meet for a great time of fellowship and craft making! All ages are welcome, so bring your kids or grandkids. Cost is $10 for craft and dinner!
This group is open to men and women of all ages. We meet on the first Saturday of each month at 9am to improve and maintain our Church! Breakfast provided for everyone!
Age 60 and above. Led by Carla and Jimmy Mcgill. Meets once a month in the Fellowship Hall on the second Friday of each month at 6pm. Bring a covered dish.
On the 3rd Saturday each month we meet at Life Grounds Coffee at 9am in the back event room for breakfast and to talk about what it means to be a Kingdom MAN. Sign up to keep up with additional outings.
Led by Delia Colon. Meet with other Moms for coffee & devotions at Life Grounds Coffee Co. on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10am. Join in ministry with LifeGate Moms as we partner with The Womens Enrichment Center.