Our Core Values

We Value our People

At LifeGate we hold every member to a set of standards. Not because we are lawful, but because we want everyone to live the type of Life Christ told us He came to give...an abundant LIFE! We call these our Core Values. 

Love Big

We love everyone all the time. (1Peter 4:8)

Encounter God

God’s Glory is at the center of who we are as a Church. We pursue His presence in our homes so that when we come together as a body, we encounter Him in the greatest way possible. (Psalms 16:11)

Rest Up

It’s impossible to find peace without rest. We will always honor the sabbath so that we can always regain the strength necessary to fulfill our call. (Hebrews 4:9-11)

Assignment Not Opportunity

Ministry at Lifegate Church isn't an opportunity. It's our assignment. People leave when opportunities aren’t easy. Assignments require digging in through hard seasons. (1 Cor. 15:58)

Be Kind to Everyone

We are kind to everyone who walks through our doors. Period. (Luke 6:35)

Give All You've Got

We give God and the people we serve our best. We come prepared and ready to serve with our whole heart, a clear mind, and a fullness of energy. (Proverbs 11:25)

Do Everything with Excellence

An excellent God desires for His Church to be excellent. We will never be perfect, but Scripture instructs us to fix our thoughts on excellence because as Proverbs 23:7 says “As you think, so you are.”

Build Unity

No matter our age, race, or background, we were all created in the image of God. We will be determined in our pursuit to build a Church that is unified through our differences so that we might accomplish all we are called to be! (Eph. 4:1-3)

Steward with Integrity

We know that everything we have comes from God, so we will not take Him or His people for granted. We live this out by the way we steward our time, our talents, and our treasures. (1 Peter 4:10)

Be Creative

We will never compromise the message of the gospel. We will, however, always seek to be creative in our methods. When we create and innovate, it allows us to understand that our mission is far more important than our methods. (Rom. 12:2)